Watermarking images is the best step to deter theft when you are posting images on the web.A watermark can be a simple text eg: your name, your business name placed on corners of the image or at the centre. You can also use your logo as watermark for building brand identify for your business.For added security you might consider placing your transparent watermark all over the image tiled at an angle, this provides enhanced security when compared to simple watermarks.This article will guide you on adding a tiled text watermark to your photos.
Watermark is a best way to protect your photos on the web; where to place a watermark plays a vital role when it comes to its security aspect. Placing a watermark at the corner of the image does not provide much level of protection against online image theft. The one wish to steal your image can easily crop it off from the corner without thinking twice and also with least effort.
So the placement of a watermark plays a crucial role in determining the level of protection against theft.
The watermark can be laid down at the center of the image, which provides higher security when compared to placing it at the distant corners. But make sure that the transparency of the image or logo you use as the watermark is set right, so that it does not ruin the image itself .
A good alternative to this approach is to use a tiled watermark. The watermark will be laid across the entire bounds of the image.It can be placed at an angle or in parallel to the image border . Transparency can be changed according to the users wish .It can be placed horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Tiled watermark provides higher level of security to pictures on the web compared to other types of watermarks.
The new version of Mass Watermark comes with the option to place a tiled watermark all over your image using the inbuilt watermark tiling option. This feature is available for both text and logo watermarks and can be applied by a click of a button. See the demo below, you can see how the text watermark is easily tiled over the entire image bounds. The same is achievable using a logo watermark as well.
Steps for Adding a tiled text watermark to your photos using Mass watermark
- First step is to Add photos you want to watermark. This can be done by clicking “Add images” button. You can apply watermark to multiple images at a time.
- In the Watermark text/caption section, type the text you want to use as the watermark.
- Enable full overlay option by checking the “Enable Full Overlay” checkbox. You can see that the full overlay watermark is applied across the image bounds instantly in the preview panel.
- There are options to adjust the orientation of the tiled watermark. Mass watermark has 3 orientations in which text can be placed . ie. Left to right, straight , Right to left.All these are provided in the popup panel.
- Finally, select the directory to place the watermarked images and click on ‘Watermark Images‘ button to start processing these images.
As you can see, adding a tiled watermark using Mass Watermark is very simple and effective.
Try Mass Watermark Today! Its Free to Try

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Image credits: Pexels.com,Jaime Reimer